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Boat trips from Inland sea

Gozo Attractions

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Tourist attractions, places of interest to visit, and things to do, on the Maltese islands

Boat trips from Inland sea Introduction

A very popular boat trip that takes you from the Inland Sea, through the narrow cave to the open Mediterranean Sea, then usually to Fungus Rock, then returning. As you go through the cave you may see scuba divers bubbles breaking the surface, or they may be snorkelling along the sides of the cave to conserve air for the deep water, around 50m along on the outside cliffs

The Boat trips Location

Location Inland sea near Dwejra Point Car park on Gozo's west coast Photograph Inland sea and tourists returning from a boat trip. Photograph Inland sea and you can see right through the roughly 100 metre long tunnel to the open Mediterranean Sea.

The Boat trips is located near Dwejra Point and Dwejra bay, Gozo. Take the San Lawrenz road out of Victoria. Pass through San Lawrenz and continue to the coast. The road ends in a large car park. There are several attractions & viewpoints that can be visited from this Car park, all within a few minutes walk.


Click on a thumbnail to see a larger photograph & description.

View of the cliffs & Fungus Island during a date trip View of  Inland sea from the cave

Photograph Inland sea taken from the cave in a tourists boat returning to the jetty.
Most of the buildings are boat houses with one of them a small cafe.

The Boat trips Description

On a quiet day it may be best to check with the boat owner to see how many passengers he requires before he sets off

.The 20 to 30 minute boat trips leave from the jetties in the Inland sea travel through the 105 metre long tunnel to the open Mediterranean sea, where you

  • Get magnificent views of the shear vertical Dwejra cliffs
  • Enter a couple of caves
  • View where the Azure Window once stood
  • View Fungus rock

The boats are usually the traditional Maltese boat, the 'luzzu', with there bright colours and eye painted on the prow to ward off the devil and evil.

Photographs taken during a boat trip.

Click on a thumbnail photograph to see a larger photograph.

Insde the cave tunnel


Insde the cave tunnel


Insde the cave tunnel



A boat trip going through the cave that connects the Inland Sea to the Open Mediterranean Sea

The boat trip give you a view of the towering cliffs and you will probably be taken inside other caves and you get a view of the Azure window from the other side.  The trip may continue past the point and circle the small Fungus Rock island in Dwejra Bay


Sea Caves


Sea Caves



Sea Caves


Inside a Sea Caves



Azure Window, now destroyed


Azure Window, now destroyed

The stunning Azure window no longer exists. The top of the arch & the massive pillar on the left were totally destroyed in a storm.

But there " are plenty of other great views to be seen on the boat trips from the Inland Sea.

A Sea Cave Returning to the cave that leads to the Inland Sea XXN

The final 2 photographs are of the boat heading back to the outer cave entrance and the Inland Sea at the far end.

Dwejra Point and Dwejra Bay Attractions

Because the rocks are very uneven and have sharp edges we recommend strong shoes or boots if you wish to walk on the rocks

Attractions on or near Route to Dwejra Point and Dwejra Bay

  • San Lawrenz  Bus 311 & 312
  • Gharb Bus 312
  • Ta'Pinu  Bus 312

Transport - Buses

Buses to Dwejra

  • 311 Victoria to Dwejra

Buses go to the Car Park that serves Dwejra Point, Dwejra Bay, views of Fungus Rock, Inland Sea, Boat trips from Inland Sea

City Hop on Sightseeing bus

More information Gozo Sightseeing bus

Dwejra is on the Purple route

Other top spots to visit on this route Xlendi resort  Ta' Pinu Basilica near, Gharb, Victoria Attractions