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Bus Services in Malta
Bus Services in Malta Sliema buses
Bus Services in Gozo
Bus Services in Gozo
Flights to Malta
Flights to Malta
Ferries to Gozo
Ferries to Comino
Ferries to Sicily
- Taxis are metered
- The fare rate is fixed by the government
- If the meter is not turned on agree price before setting off
- Taxi ranks can be found at:-
- Luqa airport
- Harbours
- Outside many hotels
- Check with your hotel reception for a local Taxi telephone number
- A price list for common Taxi destinations is often displayed in your hotels.
- Taxis are cheaper than the UK
Water Taxis - Dghajsas
- Similar in appearance to Italian gondolas, they were originally used to transport goods and people to and from ships anchored in Grand harbour
- Now used for harbour trips and as passenger ferries across grand harbour, usually between the Valletta Custom house to either Senglea or Vittoriosa near the Maritime Museum
- The fare is a matter of negotiation
- Note the "Eye of Osiris" on the boats high prow, the eye is a protection against evil.
- These boats are used in the in the regatta races every 7th September